Fish Tank Podcast: Ed Doctor interviewing Debo Powers
Debo Powers appeared in a one-on-one interview with Ed Doctor on the Fish Tank podcast at The Tap House in Whitefish.
Fish Tank Podcast: Ed Doctor interviewing Debo Powers
Debo Powers appeared in a one-on-one interview with Ed Doctor on the Fish Tank podcast at The Tap House in Whitefish.
Debo Powers in a public school classroom working with elementary students
Fortunately, Whitefish passed the school levy and Columbia Falls passed 2 out of 3 school levies, including the high school levy to repair the roof. But elsewhere in the state, school levies did not do so well leaving public schools struggling to meet their budgets.
Amanda Curtis, President of the Montana Federation of Public Employees (MFPE), placed the blame on the Legislature when she said:
“Every Montana kid has a constitutional right to a quality public education, and last night’s levies divided our kids into winners and losers,” Curtis said of the election results in large and small districts throughout the state. “This is the direct result of the 2023 Legislature’s one-two punch of failing to fund schools at the inflationary rate and then pricing Montanans out by shifting property taxes from corporations to homeowners.”
Powers for the People table at the Democratic Spring Dinner
Suzanne Hildner & Debo Powers having fun in 2019!
Suzanne Hildner’s letter to the editor was published in the Flathead Beacon under the title: Debo Powers is the Clear Choice.
New sign on Highway 93 between Whitefish and Olney. Rural voters are important too!
Powers for the People Door Knocking Team
Every weekend since early March, the Door Knocking Team has been busy asking voters in House District 3 to vote for Debo in the Democratic Primary!
Debo Powers, Public School Champion
School Levy Ballots arrived in mailboxes this week. This is an important issue. Debo attended a meeting at Columbia Falls High School about the School Levy which included a tour to see the roof that needs fixing. If this levy does not pass, our students will suffer. Please vote YES on this ballot. If Debo is elected to the Montana Legislature, she will work to change the school funding formula to ensure quality public education that does not have to rely so heavily on local levies. See her mailer on Public Education:
Debo Powers admiring a 100% electric school bus on Earth Day
The Earth Day Expo at Flathead Valley Community College was well-attended and fun! There were so many exhibits and booths and speakers hosted by so many organizations working to make the world a better place! Debo is a strong supporter of conservation and wildlife and clean energy!
Richard Hildner, Former Deputy Mayor of Whitefish
Richard Hildner, former Deputy Mayor of Whitefish, published a Letter to the Editor in the Whitefish Pilot supporting Debo Powers for House District 3. Read here:
Debo Powers speaking to Chamber of Commerce
Speaking at the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum luncheon at the Red Lion Hotel.