Debo on Nasukoin Peak, the highest peak in the Whitefish Range in HD3
In her uncontested Primary Election, Representative Powers won in a landslide! Now, the General Election begins!
Debo on Nasukoin Peak, the highest peak in the Whitefish Range in HD3
In her uncontested Primary Election, Representative Powers won in a landslide! Now, the General Election begins!
Zoe calls voters while enjoying beautiful Montana scenery
Looking into Montana’s spectacular public lands reminds campaign volunteers why they are working so hard for Rep. Debo Powers. Preserving and protecting our public lands is a key issue for Powers For the People.
Roger making calls for Representative Powers
Jared Sousa, the campaign Field Director is setting up Phone Banks three times a week for volunteers to call voters in House District 3. Below, there is a link to a sign up sheet where folks can sign up for shifts and do calls together! This is one way to work together while we are social distancing during the COVID crisis.
Alayna Supports Debo Powers!
Debo Powers is running for election in House District 3 for future generations: a healthy planet including clean air, clean water, clean energy and a sustainable, just, and equitable society including quality education, affordable healthcare, and good jobs.
Democratic Primary Ballot in Flathead County
The mail-in ballots for the Primary Election are in the hands of voters! Representative Debo Powers is running unopposed. Mail your ballot to the Flathead Elections Office before June 2.
Abundant Wildlife in North Fork
The North Fork Community (in House District 3) is very upset about proposed Special Use Permits for Commercial Recreation in the North Fork being considered by the Flathead Forest. While talking to District Ranger Rob Davies about the reactions of her North Fork constituents, Representative Powers requested that he meet with the North Fork Community on Zoom to answer questions. He enthusiastically agreed and the meeting was set for Tuesday, May 5 at 7:00pm. Representative Powers facilitated the meeting and over 50 North Forkers attended by computer or telephone. District Ranger Davies answered questions from community members for an hour and a half.
Representative Powers organized a follow-up meeting on Monday, May 11 between Davies and a small group of landowners with experience in collaboration and the NEPA process. The exchange was positive and productive.
The North Fork Community is awaiting the Forest Service decision on the special use permits and is worried about the consequences for our remote community and the abundant wildlife that lives here.
In his column in the Hungry Horse News on May 13, Larry Wilson said, “I appreciate that our state legislator, Debo Powers, arranged a Zoom conference with Rob Davies, Glacier View Ranger, so that residents could voice their concerns and Rob could answer so that everyone could hear.“
Flathead Democratic Candidates
Eight Democratic candidates are running for election in Flathead County. If elected, these people will be representing you in the County Commission, State Senate, and State House. The Flathead Democrats’ website is featuring all of these candidates and includes contact information and donation sites.
Debo placing campaign sign
Debo Powers and two volunteers placed campaign signs in Columbia Falls on Mother’s Day. Powers For The People campaign signs are now in Columbia Falls neighborhoods and the North Fork.
The Powers-Mobile went to town for the first time in eight weeks (after sheltering-in-place), to post campaign yard signs in supporters’ yards in Columbia Falls.
The first campaign sign was planted in the ground next to a supporter’s driveway on the North Fork Road south of Polebridge. Signs will be appearing all over House District 3 in the next week!