At a recent Cooney for Governor Rally in Kalispell, Rep Powers spoke to Mike Cooney and Casey Schreiner about their commitment to public lands, public education, and healthcare for Montanans. For those who support these things, the choice could not be more clear. Mike Cooney’s opponent is not a friend of our public lands.
Candidates Speak to Voters in Essex
On September 9, candidates participated in a “Meet & Greet” on the lawn of the Issac Walton Hotel in Essex. All Democratic and Republican candidates for House District 3 and Senate District 2 were invited. Participating were: Kyle Waterman (D) and Carl Glimm (R) running for SD2 and Debo Powers (D) running for HD3. Each candidate spoke for 5 minutes followed by questions from the crowd and answers from the candidates. In response to questions, Rep. Powers spoke in strong support of (1) not transferring our federal public lands, (2) funding for public education, and (3) finding ways to provide broadband to rural areas.
Volunteers Place More Highway Signs!
Campaign volunteers have been working hard to place large highway signs along Highway 2 in Columbia Falls and the Canyon! Betsey, Debo, Gil, and Steve show off their handiwork.
Campaign Highway Signs Appearing on Highway 2!
A number of large highway signs are appearing on Highway 2 in House District 3.
Debo is Right Choice for HD3
A Letter to the Editor appeared in the Hungry Horse News stating that Debo Powers is the Right Choice for House District 3.
Highway Signs Going Up Soon!
Highway Signs for Powers for the People will appear soon! Roger is helping to construct them.
Rep Powers Supports the U.S. Post Office
Montanans need a healthy postal service for many reasons, such as receiving medications and social security checks, for paying bills, and to get our mail-in ballots in on time. We will not tolerate the sabotage of our postal service.
Debo Powers is an Excellent Choice
A Letter to the Editor appeared in the Daily Interlake stating that Debo Powers is an Excellent Choice to serve as the Representative for House District 3. Scroll down through the campaign mailbag to read the LTE.
Volunteers Supporting Powers For The People

Campaign volunteers getting ready to drop literature in Columbia Falls
Campaign volunteers are working hard to help Representative Debo Powers keep her seat in the Montana Legislature. Dropping literature on doors is one safe way to contact voters during the pandemic. Another way is to make voter calls.
Rep Debo Powers is a Problem Solver

Rep. Debo Powers hard at work
A Letter to the Editor appeared in the Flathead Beacon declaring that Rep. Debo Powers is a problem solver.