The Missoulian sent a list of questions to candidates who are running for election in 2020. On May 1, The Missoulian featured Representative Debo Powers.
First Mailer Goes to Voters!

Voter finds “Powers For The People” postcard in her mailbox!
Some voters in Montana House District 3 found their first “Powers For The People” postcard in their mailboxes. The postcard was a follow-up to Call Day when many voters received phone calls from volunteers asking for their support for the campaign.
Volunteers Calling For Powers!

Alice volunteers on Call Day!
Fifteen volunteers called nearly 500 voters in House District 3 last weekend on “Call Day.” Volunteers worked from the safety of their own homes to ask voters to keep Debo Powers a Representative in the Montana Legislature. There was a training session on Zoom before Call Day and a de-briefing session on Zoom after Call Day. This is what campaigning looks like during social distancing! To see more pictures of volunteers working the phones, go to the Facebook Page for Representative Debo Powers.
Earth Day Pledge!
Today is Earth Day! I pledge to be a champion for our beautiful earth as your Representative in the Montana Legislature ……and in my every day life! Please join me and make your own pledge.
Representative Powers Speaks to Voters

Representative Powers talking to voters
Much has changed for everyone during the COVID-19 health crisis. One thing that has changed is campaigning. I was enjoying going door-to-door to meet voters. Now, I must use the telephone to make contact.
The background of this picture is a quilt that I made to show all of the things that I love about our Montana environment–our mountains, rivers, wildlife, forests, and skies. Even in this crisis when our lives are so disrupted, we have so much for which to be grateful!
“Social Distancing” on Public Lands in HD3

Celebrating Spring Equinox by Cross-country Skiing on Public Lands
“Social Distancing” is the right thing to do for our community during the COVID-19 health crisis. Since traditional campaigning (like knocking on doors) is not a good idea right now, I am enjoying our public lands which are plentiful in House District 3.
I will be starting to make phone calls to constituents soon.
8 Democrats File for Election in Flathead County

Back (left to right): Dave Fern (HD5), Kyle Waterman (SD2), Guthrie Quist (SD3); Front (left to right): Jerramy Dear Ruel (HD 6), Debo Powers (HD3), Kristen Larson (County Commission District 1), Jennifer Allen (HD10); Not Shown: Ross Frazier (HD7)
By the deadline on March 9th, eight Democratic candidates in Flathead County had filed to run for office. Although the papers reported that I would have an opponent in the primary, that prospective candidate decided not to run.
The Daily Interlake carried two stories on candidates filing for election:
Local Races Set as Filing Deadline Passes
Support for Powers

Cyclone Lookout Debo Powers
A supporter wrote a letter to the editor of the Hungry Horse News appreciating my column about Legislative Week and highlighting my community involvement, including being a volunteer fire lookout.
Lawmakers Reflect on Legislative Week

Evening at the Montana State Capitol
Legislative Week was a tremendous success! Daily Interlake reporter Colin Gaiser, interviewed local legislators (including me) regarding our experiences at Legislative Week.
Powers Reflects on Legislative Week

Montana Capitol
Legislative Week was held in Helena on January 13-17, 2020. After a week of experiencing and learning that felt like “drinking from the firehose,” I wrote the following column that was published in the Hungry Horse News.