Doors for Debo!

Powers for the People Door Knocking Team

Every weekend since early March, the Door Knocking Team has been busy asking voters in House District 3 to vote for Debo in the Democratic Primary!

Vote for the School Levies!

Debo Powers, Public School Champion

School Levy Ballots arrived in mailboxes this week.  This is an important issue.  Debo attended a meeting at Columbia Falls High School about the School Levy which included a tour to see the roof that needs fixing.  If this levy does not pass, our students will suffer.  Please vote YES on this ballot.  If Debo is elected to the Montana Legislature, she will work to change the school funding formula to ensure quality public education that does not have to rely so heavily on local levies.  See her mailer on Public Education:


Earth Day Celebration at FVCC

Debo Powers admiring a 100% electric school bus on Earth Day

The Earth Day Expo at Flathead Valley Community College was well-attended and fun!  There were so many exhibits and booths and speakers hosted by so many organizations working to make the world a better place!  Debo is a strong supporter of conservation and wildlife and clean energy!

Support Monica Tranel for U.S. Congress!

Monica Trenel and Debo Powers

Monica Tranel spoke to a standing-room-only crowd at a fundraiser in Kalispell.  Hopefully, Monica will replace absentee Congressman Ryan Zinke who is best known for his numerous ethics violations and his attempts to eliminate National Monuments when he was Secretary of Interior.  He continues to lie about his support for public lands. We need Monica!

Legislative Listening Tour

The Legislative Listening Tour arrived in Columbia Falls after meeting with citizens in towns all over Montana.  Many people spoke to Legislators about issues that concerned them:  Affordable Housing, Medicaid Expansion and Health Insurance, high Property Taxes, underfunded Public Schools, Mental Health services and Suicide rates, clean-up of the CFAC Super Fund Site, and Water Quality.

Support Shannon O’Brien for State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Two Public School Champions

Two public school champions–Shannon O’Brien and Debo Powers.  Shannon is running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Public education in Montana is currently threatened by low teacher pay, budget cuts, teacher recruitment problems, and a poorly managed Office of Public Instruction. This needs to change!  Elect these two Champions of Public Education!